Thursday, September 22, 2011

Is it only 6 weeks until B2B?

So for last week I got 21 hours  of training with help from the 7 hours on the last day (Sunday).   Monday I ran 6 miles at an easy pace. 

With the outdoor pool temp getting so cool I bet they will close it soon. So i was thinking if I do use it again, I will use my wetsuit. Actually that would be good to try out before my race. Otherwise I will need to get back to "The Y". 

So on Wednesday it was raining alot and I decided to see if the pool was unlocked. It was. I got my wetsuit on in a record 19 minutes. Headed back down and jumped in the probably 72 degree water. It was sprinkling a little. I wore a thick silicone swimcap also.  

I started slowly but by 30 minutes into it I had done about 1650 yards (1 pool mile). I kept going and was really in the zone.  At  1 hour and 14 minutes I had done 2.4 miles. This is my best effort ever. I knew the wetsuit really helps but wow. I kept going but not as purposefully.  Easy swimming.  At 4800 yards I finally stopped.   I wonder if I surprised anyone in the apartment office with my effort. 

Later I ran a 5K. Then 30 minutes on the bike rollers. Not a big volume day but a happy result in the pool. 

On Thursday I headed out in the rain on my heavy (35 lb) rain bike and did 50 to 55 miles in 3.5 hours. Went up to Tigerville.  From there I could see the escarpment shrouded in very low clouds or fog. It looked like I was headed to shangra la or someplace mystical. Very cool.  On the way up the watershed road I saw many dead red salamanders about 3 inches long. One I stopped to look at was not run over. I wondered what happened to them. We got almost 3 inches of rain in Greenville yesterday so the rain was a factor.  I don't remember seeing them here ever.  There were many of them over a several mile stretch.  Saw a big dead copperhead. It was so humid but pleasant - very rare a car came by. Went up to the Hendersonville/Saluda split and turned back toward home. On the way back saw another copperhead in the middle of the road with it's head up. I circled it and noticed it's tail end had been run over and some internals exposed. I think it was nearly dead. 

Got home and added a few more miles to get about 53 miles total then off to pickup daughter from  school. After that I ran about an hour. Some upper body strength training to end the day. 

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