Saturday, January 28, 2012

Late January

Got a great workout on Wednesday with the temperature at 63 degrees. A 22 mile ride then about 30 minute transition and then a 4 mile run. It was huge relative to my recent activity. My heart took a long time to recover.

The run was slow as I tried to keep the heart rate from going above 155. I had to race walk the last mile. Took nearly 11 minutes for the final mile. Like I was recovering from a surgury induced layoff or something.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Been thinking about goals. Wondering what I should do as far as this year and beyond in the athletic arena.  

This year I will try to improve my running and maybe do a marathon and try to not only beat my previous time of about 3hr40min, but do it fast enough to qualify for the Boston marathon.  Also a triathlon or two as well. I may do the B2B again, which is in late October, so I have some time to decide. I will want to improve my time there as well (by an hour). Do one or more bike centuries probably as well. Rides with Doug, Rob and more. 

So anyway goals.  I can see that a person can use specific events as their goals [race for first place at event X].  Also specific geographical destinations as a goal [run or tri or bike in or near Washington DC]. You can of course just have a time goal like me wanting to run 26.2 somewhere, sometime in 3h25m or less. Might have a goal to try a new activity [try kayaking on a nearby river].  I could go on. 

What's my point?  Not sure. It is just interesting to see what other events or training schedule others do and why. If you are a pro, money is the ultimate reason. Why have goals? Why not just participate and enjoy? Why do I feel the need to outdo myself?  I may need to read some of Frued's theories. 

By the way my goal will not to go to Boston unless I win Powerball or something. I may want to just Qualify for it, to say that I could go. Same goes for Kona, even more so. I doubt I will go to Boston. I just want to be in the "club" of those who could go. Kinda like there are standards for army rangers as far as how many pushups in x time or pullups or run 2 miles (their standards and the seals are on wikipedia). I'm not going to be a navy seal. But maybe i can pass their physical.  For some reason that makes sense for me.  To just qualify. 

I have enjoyed going around SC (and Wilmington, NC) to different events.  I may go to Portland Oregon (where my bike riding brother lives and do an event or northern Indiana or Ohio where other family is. The rev 3 Cedar Point triathlon or a tri near Muncie looks interesting.  

Another goal is to continue to meet and train with more good people out there. Some I run into on the road or thru other friends. 

What are your goals? (athletic or otherwise)?  Wanna go to new places? Specific new places?  Buy a house? Get to a certain level at something? MBA? Certified worm inspector? President of USA?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mid January

Well for the first time in a month I got on a bicycle. Ran some errands and did about 12 slow miles. Took about an hour in city on my heavy touring bike. Yesterday ran 3 miles. The entire previous week only had a single 2.3 mile run for activity.

I have been spending time on eBay and now expect to receive a new to me (used) triathlon bike. It looks real good. Once I get it from Texas I will give details. Got some tri shoes as well.

Well I am getting back to training soon and I have a long way to go. Hopefully I won't be passing out again. My wounds are healing up from the Christmas eve accident. Band aids are finally gone. Took a while.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I CAN run

Been doing short runs most days lately.  3 to 3.5 mile runs.  Today I ran a 3.3 mile loop from my apartment but it was different.  Yesterday as I ran the same loop i saw many aluminum cans on the shoulder.   Today I went with several grocery bags and picked up all the cans. This is along the busy Reid School Road.  bout 1 mile in I had to leave a full bag to come back for with the truck.  Also I found four full cans of beer. A few were in the split open box.  Busch lite or something.  what are people doing out there?  anyhow I got the next mile in and had another full bag.  I had doubled back and left the bags together.  on to the last mile with one bag.

On the way I found a pair of slip joint pliers.  Also found a very small weighing scales, electronic, with no batteries and no battery cover.  It measures 0.1grams up to 600 grams.  Yes, I suspect it is drug trafficking related.

Got home with a 3rd full bag and had smelled enough beer and got enough of it splattered on me for one day.

I went back and picked up the other bags with the truck.

It took 8 minutes to do the 3.3 miles.  good workout and got about 3 pounds of aluminum.

The scales work.  I took a new penny and weighed it.  I knew it should be 2.5 grams.  then I took a pre 1983 penny and it weighed 3.0 grams.  It is 95% copper whereas the post 1983 pennies are like 95% zinc with copper cladding.  The scientist in me loves little details and tools like this.  I can weigh some bike components now. ha.

anyone want some beer?

Friday, January 6, 2012

New shoes

Blog Jan 6 2012

My brother Andy has once again supplied me with bicycle gear. This time some winter shoes -Shimano RW80 with thermal insulation and Gore-Tex fabric. They wrap around the ankles. I suppose I could use just thick socks or even use shoe covers and be able to ride in very cold weather. Maybe 15 to 20 degrees. I will need to test them out. Thanks bro.  

I have a desire to have a low level of activity until the end of January. I need to spend time on vehicle maintenance, financial matters, and domestic living organization.  Yes my apartment has become even too much of a mess for me. It is a pigpen. 

Hopefully by February I can join the Y and start swimming and increasing my endurance sports. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Macca the machine and a miracle workout machine

Blog-misc workout info I found interesting. 

I stopped in the cereal isle at the grocery. I read the Wheaties Fuel box that has Mark "macca" McCormack on it. On the back it says a typical ironman athlete swims 7 miles, bikes 225 miles and runs 48 miles in a week to prepare for the ironman Kona. It also says Macca swims 17 miles, bikes 430 and runs about 75 miles in a typical week. Wow.  

I might have hit 30 miles of running in one week but more like low 20's. I can hardly envision doing the typical Macca workout. I would have to win the lottery and be half insane to try it. 

I saw an add in in the Dupont Registry (high end cars$$) for a workout machine called a Quick Gym. It is a full body exercise contraption and it costs like $15,000.  It claims that you just use it for 4 minutes a day for a great aerobic workout. I just don't know. I looked an the Internet and found that there are places springing up in the USA where you can go and use one. Also there is a less expensive competitor (just over $11,000) to it called XLR8. 

Again, after winning Powerball I will buy a red Ferrari Italia 458 and a quick gym.