Friday, March 9, 2012

First week in March - progressing again

March 2 2012 
I jogged 3.1 miles in 35 minutes.  137 bpm ave HR. Picked up beverage cans on the roadside (Reid School Road) again. I'm thinking of putting my name on the road sign for adopt-a-hiway. I would need an asterisk by it to indicate aluminum only. 

March 3
Took a bike ride on the Silverado since it was wet from the recent storms. Did my usual Willis3 loop of 22 miles and 1200 ft of climbing. Took a record (PW) 1:40 to do it. 

March 4
Rode my truck, I mean my Trek, to the Y then did an aerobic shower. A new class they got. Kinda like pole dancing. They have to stay on the cutting edge. Ha. JK. Also swam 1400 yards in 45 minutes. Hope I didn't overdo it (recent illness). Pedaled back home and with newest copy of GO magazine. 6 miles on bike. 

My left calf is so tight and my pump bump is aggravated. Keep trying to stretch it out. 

March 5 go to bed early since I couldn't/didn't get good sleep last night. Bought cold coffee drink (half gallon) and just had to try a bit, then another- oops. 

March 7. Ran 5.5 miles. Good for me. ankle not too bad. Went easy. Took an hour. 

March 8 Without any warmup, I took the QR (TT/tri bike) out on the road (for the first time) sans spare tubular or pump. Went out 2.7 miles with fingers crossed.  It was 70 degrees and breezy. I ended with 20.2 mph average for the quick 5.4 mile trip. Seems good for not being in shape. I was sweating after just 16 minutes. Later took the Silverado Trek to the Y and swam 1050 yds. in 29 minutes. 

March 9 after work I ran 3.2 miles in about 33 minutes. Wow, I'm almost at a 10 minute pace with 137 ave HR. Progress. Was doing 12 min pace not too long ago. Don't think I can qualify for Boston quite yet though. Tomorrow is a short night due to daylight savings time so I will have no aerobic activity (not really a recovery day). Sleep is the goal. 

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