It was nearing midnight on April 4th. It was a windy warm night and the weatherman had shown an approaching storm system that was supposed to hit around 1am. I decided to squeeze in a run that would be an hour and get me back inside before the rain hit. I headed out the door and planned on a common route down Wade Hampton Blvd (WHB). I would run out 3 miles or 4 miles if doing well and turn around.
I got ready and headed out the door. Down the hill and across Mountain Creek, up the grade to WHB. I hit the BB&T bank at about 10 minutes and got onto WHB. Toward Walmart I went and At mile 2 it was 20 minutes. Slow pace so I opted for the 3 mile mark as a turn around. The headwind was 15 to 20 mph so I was looking forward to the tailwind. I could see lightning in the distance to the northwest. I felt a drop of water but no rain. So I got to mile 3, which is Joe Joes Fish Market, at 30 minutes and turned back. The storm I felt was getting close.
As I ran I felt faster due to the lack of headwind. Back to near Walmart and the wind started really pushing me. I began to fly. Well nearly. The wind had kicked up to maybe 40 mph. I was going fast (for me relative to myself). Only 2 miles to go. I came to the railroad overpass and started to climb the hill. I increased my effort as well out of fear of the storm on my heels. I flew up the hill and began to screeam down the other side. Crazy winds of 50 to 60 gusts tangled my legs and I struggled to not fall. The wind came from all directions. I was thinking oh crap here it comes.
Nearing the BB&T bank the rain started to hit. A daily light rain at first and the thunder chimmed in. The final 1.1 mile to safety so only about 9 minutes at this rate. I ran down toward Mountain Creek and the intensity of the storm increased. My top was wet but the feet were still fairly normal. Onto Mill Estate Road and only .6 mile to go. Down down to the pit of the bridge crossing. A river was flowing in the street.
Now up the brutal 17% grade out from the bridge- slowly I climbed. The gutter was a torrent of fluid. Not much lighting here but the lightning reflected the volume of water everywhere. The thunder was now hitting only a few seconds after the lightning. Serious dread but only 3 or 4/10 of a mile to go.
I climbed closer to Reid School Road and the lightning was followed right by the crashing noise. Code red. Run faster. Max it out baby. I hit the entrance to the apartments. Code red code red was all I could say to myself. Only a tenth of a mile to go. My shoes were like buckets of wet cement. I was wetter than wet-Superwet. I neared the doorway and swung it open and ran into the hallway/ breezeway. I was safe but dripping water everywhere.
Another great run. Time to strip and hit the shower.
I later heard on the news the next day of all the damage from the storms. Thousands without power, People killed in Georgia and stuff like that. I survived to run another day (or night).
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You wrote - It was nearing midnight.....
That was one nasty storm. Funny how the thunder can give you an extra jolt of power.