Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter in taylors

Taylors got about 8 inches of snow and then freezing rain or sleet came down on top. What a mess. Every time it snows here I think about dusting off the cross country skis and trying them out. Well this time I did. After hunting for the boots and digging way back in the closet for a bag full of waxes I was getting all set for some crazy little adventure.

I applied purple klister wax (from a tube) onto my skis midsection (messy). Then I treated my boots with neatsfoot oil to help the leather resist water (another mess). I dug out my wool sweaters and socks that come up over the knees. They all smelled of mothballs. It was 28 degrees out so just 2 sweaters over a wicking base layer and for the bottom just the knickers.

So at last around 4 am I was out the door. After walking through the parking lot uphill a ways i clipped into my bindings. The conditions were terrible. The ice over the snow was at least a quarter inch thick. Every step I took on the snow was a loud cracking crunching noise. I felt I would wake everyone in the apartment complex. Oh well be brave and crazy. I made a short set of tracks along Pinecroft Drive. It was on a hill and there were tree roots sticking out.

So I headed up to Reid School Road. I got onto the road itself and just started double poling over the ice. I had to avoid a few thin spots where the asphalt was. After a quarter mile I decided this was no fun and headed back. Before getting back to the apt. entrance road I got back into the snow and blazed a new trail. Crunch crunch. Step by loud and slow step I made progress. I think it was about a tenth of a mile long. I turned around and went back over it. This time with some speed. Back and forth faster each time. I suddenly remember how to do a 180 degree turn around manouver by sticking the tail of one ski at the tip of the other. I forget what it is called. I kept going back and forth and was finally able to get my heart rate up to near 150.

There were a few cars that went by in about 40 minutes. Normally it would have been maybe 50 or more. after about an hour of the activity I decided to take a break. I went inside and got something to drink and started watching TV. I realized I had enough for the night and just stayed in.

After more than 20 years I was on my skis again. I can only be sure in 1989 I was on them. I wish I traveled up into NC more often to use them. Maybe we will get another big snow in Taylors again this winter! Ha

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