Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Aquathon on Wednesday 3/17/10
The TV character Monk would be happy with the swim I did today because it was a nice even number. It was also a long distance swim for me and it left me a little aching. I did not start out to swim this long today, but it took shape as I did it. I got to the Y after having worked 13 hours last night and was tired but motivated to get in an activity. A little caffiene hellped also. I swam 100 round trips at my YMCA which is 5000 yards total. This is a personal record and it smashed my old record of 3800 yards which I did a month or so ago.
It took me a long time and that was ok because I was not racing. I just wanted to see if I could do it and what it would feel like. I did keep track of time and know that I started at 11:28 and finished at 2:06. I took a bathroom break at about lap 63 and then a 10 minute food break at lap 70. I did 500 yds breaststroke, then 500 yds backstroke to start. Then I did a "timed" mile of freestyle (1650 yds) in about 39 minutes. After that it was a variety of strokes but mostly freestyle. I thought I might swim 3000 yards but when I approached it I reset my goal to a higher one. This kept on until I finally saw that 100 would perhaps be a longstanding record for me I felt motivated to try. My arms felt ok as long as i went fairly slow which was 70 seconds per 50 yds. I took a about 5 minutes to change goggles at one point.
Boom! there is a swimmer in my lane without warning but I somehow miss her. Very bad etiquette and dangerous to just get in a lane without warning the person already swimming.
I had been drinking Powerade and by the time I was done I had drank about 44 oz of it. At lap 96 I suddenly had a cramp in my hamstring as I pushed off the wall. Uh oh. time to really take it easy and just finish. There was a different lady that wanted the half lane next to the wall that I had been mostly using and that was fine.
After the swim the tips of my fingertips where some minor cracking had appeared now looked lke huge grotesque fissures. Going to have to dry out. Note to self: push off the wall with feet on the smooth tiles and not on the rougher surrounding surface.
I think about the distance that is swam in a full length Ironman triathlon in relation to what I did. I have not swam like this in open water (Lake, ocean, etc) and am very weary of doing so. A 2.4 mile swim in a choppy ocean is hard to comprehend. I guess with no walls [to stop at all the time] you would just be forced to keep at it and get it done (or in the south: gidder dun).
I came home and pigged out on cold fried chicken and some apple pie from BI-LO. now as I write this at 3 pm I am falling asleep as I type. Time to recover.

3/13 to 3/16

On Sunday I ran my own 5K for a half an hour then went and played tennis for about an hour with Kristen. We had a good time but kind of wore ourselves out. Sleep fest overnight and morning with 12 hours of sleep. A lot of it with the TV on. Wonder what my subconscious absorbed. Monday I went and swam a mile before work. Tuesday I ran about 5.2 miles with the last half a hard effort for me with a couple of miles at about a 7 minute pace.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

3/9/10 to 3/13/10

Wednesday swam 2000 yards in an hour before work. Not any great effort or speed but at least I showed up and put in the work. Thursday it was raining, so I slept late before work and just did about 15 minutes of doing 100 pushups and 60 crunches. Friday I got to the Y after work and a nap and it was going to rain soon. I decided to run to my apt. from the Y and then back or 6 miles total before the rain really came down. It rained very lightly and the ground was soaked from previous rains. I ran along Taylors Road in the grass at the shoulder half of the time. Traffic was pretty heavy and the grass has less impact. Got a good look at a dead racoon on the roadside. He had been running too I guess but was not careful. 26 minutes to home and 24 minutes back. Then to the pool where I got in only 700 yds before a lifeguard heard thunnder and we had to exit the pool. I headed to the workout room and got on a rowing machine. This would workout my arms similar to swimming. I had used the machine once so I knew a little about the computer monitor but spent time learning more. I did 2000 meters row in about 10 minutes and then did it again. about 2200 meters total in 25 minutes. I got on the ab curl machine and did 20 curls at 50 lbs and 100 curls at 40 lbs. Time was up had to go pick up the girls.
Saturday was a ride of about 50 miles solo. I usually like to get with a group but overslept and got a late strart. It was still cloudy and a chance for an isolated rain shower but it was about 45 degrees at 930 am when I started. I went up north to Tigerville. Then to climb Callahan Mountain road. Along the way I saw several toads that were flattened on the road. The previous night as I was driving I had swerved to avoid hitting a toad hopping across the road in the rain. I guess it is perfect conditions for toads (or is it frogs?) to be out and about. Took 4 minutes from base to summit at 149 ave HR. I kept the HR out of the red zone but it was a hard effort. Headed next not up the watershed but to River Road with the thought of going into Travelers Rest and maybe the backside of Paris Mountain. I was not sure where I was going but I wanted to get there fast. I took an unknown road and got kind of lost. A real remote road that made the ride interesting. It was Parnell Bridge Road and it had alot of mud across the road from washing out due to heavy rains. All the sudden it had a short steep hill that must have been 25% grade (my monitor spiked to 21% ) which was fun to struggle up. Had to get backhome before 1 pm. Lots of stops to eat or remove clothing. I did not have time to torture myself up the backside but heaeded home from TR on Little Texas Road and so on. I got back feeling fine. Could have gone farther but another good ride and did not overdo it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Springtime emerges

This is my first blog. Not sure about this whole thing but here it goes.
Had a good ride Tuesday 3/9/110, but off to a late start after noon. I wanted to do a 70 to 80 mile ride but not enough time. The temps were in the low 70's. I rode over to Paris Mountain and climbed the front side in a easy 22 minutes. I think I saw Rob Dempsey along with some guys in college of Charlseton kits. I rode over to the Swamp Rabbit trail and got on going north. It is getting better. In downtown T.R. they are working on it now. Got on 276 north and I might have seen George H but not sure. Stars ands stripes jersey but the white bike had a red downtube so not sure. Headed up and decided to go to Jones Gap State Park. The river road leading up to it was so beautiful with the rocky river flowing just beside. Got there and just stared into the river as it flowed. Looked at the trail maps and thought it would be a good workout to hike these trails.
Headed home and went thru Cleveland then onto SC 11. Tok that to Chinquapin where I turned south and fdound some tools at the roadside. Headed into Tigerville and ate something. A guy on a mountain bike blew by me as I was finishing. It took me a couple miles to pass him. He was strong. Headed home and past Ron Neal I would later find out. Got in 63 miles. A good day.